We hear a lot about hot flashes, mood swings, and sleeplessness during menopause. However, vaginal atrophy, one of the most discomforting symptoms of menopause, remains a taboo and embarrassing topic for most women to discuss, even with their physician. Vaginal discomfort and physical pain during intercourse is a difficult topic to talk about, and negatively affects our relationships, sexuality and over all quality of life. In fact, most women don’t understand what vaginal atrophy really is – let alone how to deal with it! In today’s video, sexual health advocate Bonnie Gayle shares her story of how coping with severe vaginal atrophy prompted her to create Sex Butter and Boudoir Butter, an organic plant-derived balm designed for healing, soothing, and enhancing pleasure for women (and men) around the world. Bonnie’s mission is to help ease the pain and shame for women around the discussion of sexual and vaginal health.

For more information about Bonnie Gayle, click here: http://bonniegayle.com/about/

To find out more about Sex Butter and buy it, click here: https://bgorganic.samcart.com/referral/Sex-Butter/ymzlUHpfInTSq3zU

To find out more about Boudoir Butter and buy it, click here: https://bgorganic.samcart.com/referral/Boudoir-Butter/ymzlUHpfInTSq3zU

What’s the difference? Sex Butter has a minty blend to help create desire and arousal when you’re not feeling it on your own…

For a helpful article on coping with Painful Sex and Vaginal Atrophy, click here: http://ellendolgen.com/2014/09/love-hurts-how-to-cope-with-painful-sex-during-menopause/

For more products specific to rediscovering sex after 50, click here: http://www.enticeme.co#2ndact

More videos about Sexual Health, Sex after 50, Love after 50 and Baby Boomer Dating Tips!!


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