With decades-old allegations of sexual assault and misconduct dominating current events and news cycles, thousand of women are recalling their own experiences, many for the first time in over 30 years. Are current events triggering past trauma and sexual assault in your life? You certainly are not alone! Women (and men) of our generation were largely brought up with the societal belief that sexual misconduct is normal behavior for men and that “boys will be boys!” As women, or girls, we certainly were NOT inclined or encouraged to report it. To treat this behavior as in any way acceptable was normalizing something that has left survivors of sexual assault with overwhelming shame, guilt and self-doubt. As a Trauma Therapist and survivor, Paige understands the lasting effects of sexual assault on a woman’s (or man’s) life, and holds strong feelings on this subject. On a side note, I always think it is so interesting that boys and men think sexual misconduct is not “OK” when it is directed at their sister, mother, or daughter. As always, we welcome your comments.

Paige Valdiserri is an internationally recognized traumatic stress and integrative healing consultant. For more information about Paige, or to contact here directly, click here: https://paigevaldiserri.com/

For a great article on why People don’t report sexual misconduct, click here: https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/17/health/why-people-hesitate-to-report-sexual-misconduct/index.html

For another great article focused on the myths of sexual assault brought out by the Kavanaugh hearings, click here: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/9/24/17876302/brett-kavanaugh-christine-ford-hearing-me-too

More videos on recreating your life after 50, click here: https://2ndact.tv/category/videos/purpose/


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